After reading this article you'll:
  • understand when to use Positions, Roles and Groups 
  • be able to assign Positions and Roles
  • be able to move player to Role based on player Question action
  • be able to move players to Groups and Conditional Groups
  • be able to name Groups and Roles

Page Index


Roles, Positions and Groups are different ways of determining which messages players receive.
Positions are also used to establish permissions to edit an organisation's news articles. 

Positions, Roles and Groups
Send different content to different players to create information asymmetry which encourages communication and collaboration.
  • Unlimited number of Positions
  • Same player can have multiple Positions but Position can only be assigned to one player
  • 5 Roles; multiple players can be assigned a Role
  • 3 Groups; multiple players can be moved into a Group

When Should I Use Roles, Positions and Groups?

Roles and Positions ought to be determined by the team or organisation structure, whereas Groups are determined by player actions.
There is no requirement to use Roles, Positions or Groups unless your training objective demands it. Only use them if it's necessary to send specific content to specific players. 

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In the example shown, the training audience is made up of two teams - Legal and HR.

Positions are unique designations. A Position can only be assigned to one person but one person can have multiple Positions.

In contrast, many people can have the same Role but any specific player can only have one Role.

Hence in the example shown, Positions have been used for Head of HR and Head of Legal whereas Roles have been used for two players in the role of Administrator.

How To Assign Roles and Positions

Roles and Positions can be assigned with the Scenario Editor or the Facilitator Dashboard.

In the Scenario Editor, go to Players > Teams to populate the Team Table.

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In the Facilitator Dashboard, navigate to Teams followed by:

  • Manage Teams to change Roles.
  • Manage Positions to change Positions.
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Move to Role Action

Using the Whiteboard, players can be moved into a Role based on clicking a Question button.
  1. Click the question button
  2. Select Move to Role Action
This feature can be useful when used with a Click to Play registration type and you'd like players to select their own Roles. 

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How to Use Groups

Use Groups when you need to send messages to players based on their actions or inaction.

Groups can only be created and assigned in the Scenario Editor and using the Whiteboard.
Groups are not accessible using the MEL.

There are two types of Group:
  • Group - players are moved into a Group based on player clicking a Question button
  • Conditional Group - players are moved into a Group based on the condition of a player variable. The move action is triggered by the Inject and affects all 
You have three Groups of each type.

Group 1 is the default Group that all players are a member of at the start of the exercise.

Moving players into a Group on Question Action

Players can be moved into a Group as the consequence of clicking a Question button.
  1. Click the question button and select Move to Group Action
  2. Select the group

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Renaming Groups

  1. Use Players > Roles & Groups
  2. Click pencil icon to edit