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The Twitter (or Microblog Channel) appears in a channel styled as Twitter so that it looks familiar and feels realistic.

The twitter channel works exactly as you would expect in real life. You can check people’s profiles, send a tweet yourself, comment on someone’s tweets, like and repost tweets, follow and unfollow personas, and so on.

Sending tweets

To send a new tweet use the buttons below a tweet to like, commend and repost; and compose your own new tweets by typing in the” What’s going on?” section.

You can also reply to a tweet just by clicking the option below the tweet you want to comment on.

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Media files such as images can be included in new tweets and in responses.

Twitter Profiles

Every entity (“persona” in our jargon) that publishes a “tweet” can have their own profile page which is accessible by clicking that entity’s name in the microblogging feed.
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Search option

You can use the search option enabled to look for words or people on the Twitter feed.

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