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After reading this article you'll 
  • understand what the AI assistant is 
  • be able to use the AI Assistant
  • know how to access it from the scenario editor


Generate content faster using the AI assistant

AI Assistant 
  • Faster production of text based content
  • Helps to generate content ideas
  • Auto generation of text related content

Using the AI Text Generator Tool from injects: 

 1. Add an inject
 Image Placeholder
 2. Select a channel compatible with AI Text Generator:
  • MicroBlog
  • Mail
  • Forum
  • Telegraph
  • GoSocial
  • InstaMedia
  • Websites / News
  • Browser
  • Help Desk
 Image Placeholder
 3. Click Use AI Assistant and enter a brief description of the content that you want the AI to create.

Then, click the generate button.

Tip: The AI Assistant knows the channel you have chosen, saving you from having to type commands like "write an email."

 Image Placeholder
 4. Edit the generated content or the description you provided the AI assistance with until you have the desired content.
 Image Placeholder

Examples of AI Text-Generated Content

Image Placeholder                                                                              
Website / News article

Image Placeholder