D002 - Conducttr Designer Intermediate

Course Headline

This is a 6hr introductory course for those intending to design a dynamic open exercise

Course Objectives

After attending this course you will be able to: 

  • Design a dynamic, open exercise 
  • Dynamically branch your exercise 
  • Model real life social networks
  • Configure role-players and impersonation
  • Create your own database to reference dynamic/flexible content
  • Knowledge of how to use Hawk/Osprey licence specific features

Course Details

One of our expert Trainers will walk you through how to create a dynamic open exercise. The course not only covers the essentials of the Conducttr Designer Introduction course, but also introduces advanced features. This will involve learning how to design your exercise so that it includes roleplayers, impersonation and design your exercise to create branching pathways (MULTI MEL), based on player decisions. Furthermore, you will learn how to create your very own database to reference dynamic or flexible content; this will allow you to quickly personalise a template scenario. We will also look at more Hawk and Osprey licensed specific features and how you can integrate and adapt these into your specific scenario.

At the outset, we propose a 20-minute consultation to delve into your training goals and objectives. Our training program is highly adaptable and designed to cater to the specific needs of you and your team. You may want to implement an existing scenario, even if it's in PowerPoint or Excel, into the Conducttr platform. Or perhaps create something completely from scratch. This could be anything from a cyber attack, a humanitarian emergency, or political unrest, and much more; the choice is yours. For example, if you’re interested in simulating a cyber attack, you’ll learn how to create a phishing simulation or a ransomware attack.


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