see an updated version of this helpdoc here: 

After reading this article you'll:

  • understand what the Facilitator Dashboard is
  • be able to access Exercise Control and Utilities Panel
  • be able to effectively control and monitor an exercise using Facilitator


Facilitator Dashboard
Control and monitor the exercise you are running for your team

  • Event list control (firing injects)
  • Team modification on the fly
  • Pattern of Life (PoL) buttons 
  • Player view (what the players are seeing and receiving)
  • Exercise setup cheat-sheet
  • Personas information and modification

What is the Facilitator

Facilitator Dashboard is a fundamental element of your Conducttr suite. This dashboard lives in a dedicated URL that you will be able to access from any modern browser. The link to your unique Facilitator Dashboard can be found in your Scenario Editor.

After designing your exercise in the Scenario Editor, you need to upload it to your space.

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Once the scenario has been uploaded to your space, you are ready to run and control it from the Facilitator Dashboard.

Any modifications made in the scenario editor won't show up if you enter the facilitator dashboard this way; instead, you'll need to publish your scenario first to ensure changes are visible.

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Facilitator Dashboard interface

This interface is flexible and adaptable enough to suit your needs at any point of the exercise. 
There are two main areas:

1. Exercise Control

On your left, the Exercise Control panel displays your exercise Event lists (MELs). There, you can see the progress of the exercise and click to publish or pause injects. See it in yellow below.

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The Exercise Control can be easily collapsed at your convenience.

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2. Utilities panel

On your right, you will see the utilities panel. This panel can be shown in one column or divided in two columns to show you more at the same time. 

In the example below, we are switching to show just the Player View to show Player view AND Teams configuration.

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Exercise control interface

In the Facilitator Dashboard, you will be able to control the MEL or MELs that you have uploaded to your space. Here's an overview of its functionality.

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Utilities panel

The utilities panel of the Facilitator Dashboard is divided in different tabs, which can be activated or deactivated in the Scenario Editor (see next section).

The following are the available utilities and a brief overview, you can search for an expanded explanation of each utility in the related articles section. 


Allows facilitator to add or remove participants during exercise, add or rearrange teams, manage positions and assign special permissions to specific players. 

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Allows facilitator to access exercise as any given player, so they can track how injects are published or they can interact as role-players with other participants using impersonation.

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A summary of exercise configuration, from design (goals, objectives, environment, assumptions...) to technicalities (registration type, player lists, links...)
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A quick edit tool for personas. Although personas are created in the Scenario Editor, they can be easily tweaked and modified in the Facilitator Dashboard. 

You can edit the banner of websites or mark websites as hacked.

You also have a map view where you can see all the personas (with a given location) distributed in a map. (This feature is licence-dependant)
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Easily modify your custom data array, check more information in the Custom data Helpdocs.
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Pattern of Life grid where all your stacks can be initiated, paused and controlled.  Check related Helpdocs to learn more.
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In the Scenario Editor, your injects can be turned into buttons to be easily accessible and replayable from this utility in the Facilitator Dashboard. 
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If you have purchased access to the assessment toolkit, you will be able to access observations and assess players according to your predefined schemas here. Check the Assessment toolkit Helpdocs for more information. 
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REVIEW - Players Activity

In the Review utility, you can find the Players Activity tab, that displays as a feed all the actions taken by players. Content is searchable, organized by channels and timestamped. All the open text responses can also be exported for deep analysis.

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REVIEW - Timeline

In the Review utility, you can find the Timeline tab, which shows players and teams activity in response times.
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REVIEW - Data points

In the Review utility, you can find the Data points tab. In closed questions identified as Data points in the Scenario Editor, real-time responses can be tracked in this utility, which you can filter by teams or players. Learn more on Data points in its dedicated Helpdocs.
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Export report utility. You can download data, exercise or engagement report.
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Direct access to this Helpdocs database from the Facilitator Dashboard
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Setting up Facilitator in the Scenario Editor

You can decide what Utilities to show in the Facilitator and configure each of them in the Scenario Editor. Go to Style > Facilitator Config and check each option in the right column.

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