After reading this article you'll:
- be able to migrate to the next
generation Conducttr TeamXp
Our amazing simulation platform just got
even more amazing with tons of new
features and improvements.
However, this "next generation" solution
runs on a new platform with some important
structural differences.
Our last release of the earlier scenario
editor is TeamXp v3.4.75 and the first
release of the next generation scenario
editor is ConducttrTxp v1.0.xx - you can get the latest release from Release Notes.
Main differences you should be aware of
There are many improvements but those that might cause migration issues are:
- News articles can only be published by Organisations, which is a new type of persona
- News and Websites is a combined channel for articles and URL-based sites
- Browser channel remains for additional use
- Links in content that redirect to internal channels need to be re-created
- The Twitter channel will display twitter history for those personas that have it before the start of the exercise
Personas & News channel
Personas and the News channel have the
biggest structural changes. The video
below guides you through the shortest path
to migrating an old project to the new
What you need to know
- Conducttr TeamXp now runs on a
completely new infrastructure
- You need to run your scenarios on new
Space numbers on the new
- You’ll initially be able to have TWO
scenario editors running in parallel
to help you migrate to the new
platform: the current TeamXp AIR app
and a new Conducttr AIR app. They’re
virtually the same but different names
to distinguish current from new. You
don’t have to run both scenario editors,
this is just for your convenience to
help with migration
- Once your scenarios are running in the
new Space(s), coordinate with us to
get your custom URL redirected to the
new platform (and delete the TeamXp
AIR app which you won’t need any
How to migrate
- Create sharefiles for all the scenario
libraries you want to keep
- Download the new ConducttrTxp AIR app
and run it (note: current editor:
Teamxp.3.4.75.air and new editor:
ConducttrTxp.1.0.xx.air). Note that if
you’re running on an older version of
TeamXp your scenarios should still
migrate ok but we’ve only tested with
the current release which is
- In ConducttrTxp (i.e. the new
platform), go to Manage Spaces to add
your new space number(s) - your email
and password are unchanged; your
current space numbers can’t be
- Add new libraries for each sharefile
you want to install.
- Publish your scenarios and check they
work as expected. Note that for now
they’ll have the new default url
https://conducttr.cm.cr?p={your space
- Contact us to coordinate the
redirecting of your custom url(s) to
the new space(s)