This is a medium length scenario about a ransomware attack on a pensions company. Some familiarity with the platform is helpful, but previous experience with Conducttr is not required to run the exercise - just follow the simple steps below and then run!
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This help documentation is in four sections:
1. Setup
2. Running
3. Pattern of Life
4. Customisation


(1) Make sure you're in the three-column view mode
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(2) Create a new player persona using click-to-play
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(3) Set your position to Adjudicator
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Click the button at the bottom of the Event List to start the exercise
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Pattern of Life

This exercise uses Pattern of Life (PoL) to send content on demand independently of the master events list. As the Adjudicator you'll be prompted when to press the right PoL button.
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Two opportunities to customise this scenario are available to you:
* change some of the details (using the "custom data" tab)
* change the personas by changing their name or images

Custom data
You can change the text of the hashtags, crash victims and other details. Make a change in the fields and then click "Update data"
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You shouldn't need to create any customisation but if you'd like to just for the fun of it, you can modify the personas using the Persona tab
Filter the list by Faction or find the persona using the Search field. Click the persona and then edit the details on the right. Click Update to save the changes
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