Social Watch is a dedicated channel in the Virtual Desktop, you might see it in your exercise if your facilitator has enabled it (it requires a special license)

There are two views of Social Watch

1. Columns view - all watchwords at a glance

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2. Expanded view - one column expanded for more details.

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Available actions

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Add watchwords

In the Virtual Desktop, go to the Social Watch channel.

Click the + icon and type the term you want to monitor across social media.

Click the + icon again to add additional columns.

You can use AND and OR operators for advanced watchwords:
- virus AND vaccine
- virus OR vaccine

Set up alerts

When adding a new column, after selecting the watchword, turn on the switch in Trending alert is on. Then customize the trending criteria.

When the trending criteria are met, an alert pop-up window will appear. 
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Research profiles

Click on any username in the Social Watch column (in blue), to open that persona profile. 

Participants can research the nature of the profile by observing:
- Verified account
- Number of posts published
- User handle
- Bio
- Account creation date
- Posts (images, text and links to websites)
- Following and followers, which can be clicked to research each persona's social graph (if your licence allows it).

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Each column can be filtered by channel and by sentiment. 

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Monitor influencers

In each column, in the section "Authors", you can list all authors (personas, role-players and any content contributor) that have used the watchword.

You can filter this view by channel and sort by the number of followers, following, messages and alphabetically.

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Generate word cloud

In each column, click on the cloud icon to generate a watchword-related word cloud.

You can hover over each popular word to see the number of mentions. 


Click on the magnifying glass in each column to search for specific words in each watchword feed. 


To expand each column:
1. Click on the graph icon
2. Click on the increase icon

To go back to column view:
1. Click on the decrease icon
2. Click on the list icon