Provides a feedback mechanism to players based on the choices they take; can increase immersion by showing changes of a  time-based metric such as visitors to a website, campaign donations etc.
Key Features
Chart values as a line or bar chart
Use static value, variables or formula


You'll need:
  • a numerical value, most likely a variable
  • an Also Publish connection


  • Create a new inject and change the channel to Graph
  • Select the audience you wish to send the inject to, this may be role or team orientated.
  • Select which number the Graph should chart. To work with a Variable you'll need to use Calculations somewhere else in the scenario but adding a number is the simplest way. (See below)

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Top: adding the inject using the Graph channel. Below: How the inject will appear in the player view.

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Throughout the exercise, add more injects and your graph will update accordingly.

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Modifying the Graph's style

To modify the style of your Graph, you should go to the Style Tool.

Follow the headings into 'Customize Channels' and scroll down to the Graph drop menu.
Choose the style of graph you wish to see and how it is labelled. 

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