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After reading this article you'll:

  • understand what Forum is
  • be able to create Forum personas and Communities
  • be able to allow personas to moderate Communities


Forum is a type of channel that replicates social forums such as Reddit. In this channel, information is organized in Communities, where personas and players can contribute posting content, searching for information and investigating profiles.

Forum (a.k.a. Reddit)
Reproduce an online ecosystem based on communities, where information is categorized by topic and ranked by community votes.
  • Players can create their own communities or posts
  • Content is ranked by votes and engagement can be spoofed
  • Enables social drill down for profile investigation

Difference between Users and Communities

In Forum, there are two different entities:
- Users: They represent an individual (a player or a persona) or a brand.
- Communities: Dedicated threads to talk about a specific topic.

They are differentiated by the letter prior to the username: u/ identifies a user and r/ identifies a community.

 User page  (u/)
 Community (r/)
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Creating Forum account for Personas in Scenario Editor

In the Scenario Editor, you can create a Forum user account for your personas. Go to Personas tab > Personas > Desired persona.

Once there, click on the grey plus button in the right column, and select Forum.

In the Forum profile page you can configure:

- User name
- Handle (u/)
- Bio
- Creation date
- Which Forum communities this persona is moderator of
- Karma (social points), followers and number of post
- Edit previous posts (which will be available before the exercise starts)

Creating a Forum Community in Scenario Editor

 1. In the Scenario Editor, go to Personas Tab > Communities. 

2. Pick an existing community if you want to edit it or just create a new one.
3. Complete the Community page with:
- Name
- Handle (r/)
- Description
- Creation date
- Stats (Number of members, members online and no. of posts)

You can decide which type of community it is:
- Public (everyone can join)
- Restricted (everyone can see posts, only approved members can post)
- Private (only approved members can see or post)

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4. Click on the Community Moderators field to get a dropdown of available personas. Select which ones you want to give Moderator permissions.

Then, go to that Persona page (Persona tab > Persona > Desired Persona > Permissions tab) and assign a positions. Players with those positions will be able to role-play as that persona and therefore, moderate that community.
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 5. Create historical posts and comments for that community, so it is populated before the exercise starts. 

You can also export and import communities to be used in different scenarios.
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Forum Styling

In the Scenario Editor, in Style > Customize channels  > Forum, you can activate the channel and configure:

- Following: if all players follow everyone or you select the initial following, picking  specific personas
- Icons and text: how Home and Communities will appear in the Virtual Desktop.

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Creating Forum content in Scenario Editor

You can create Forum content in your scenario to be published through injects.  

 1. In the Scenario Editor, go to Scenario > MEL View

2. Click Add inject

3. Select Forum in the Which method? dropdown

4. In the On Forum dropdown, select which community you want to publish it in.  

If no community exists yet, you can create one from the dropdown.
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5. Create your Forum post, editing:
- title
- content
- asset
- post metrics (comments, votes up and votes down).

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Available actions as a player

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Explore Forum

From the Forum home page, players can:
- search for content
- vote up or down posts
- comment posts
- reply to replies
- explore profiles
- request to join a community

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Create Post

Players can create new posts in their available communities, they will depend on type of community (public, restricted and private, see above)

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Create Community

Players can create their own communities and decide handle (r/), name, description, type and logo.

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Click on the three dot icon in any of your posts to delete