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After reading this article you'll 
  • understand what the assessment toolkit is and how to use it


The assessment toolkit is a way to give feedback to the players in terms of particular capabilities. 

Assessment Toolkit
The assessment toolkit is a customizable way to give feedback to the players in terms of particular capabilities. 


  • Allows for multiple observers to observe and rate players
  • Allows the observer to determine what metrics they want to collect

Locating the Assessment Toolkit 

Navigate to the Scenario Editor > Assess 

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Using the Assessment Toolkit

1. Navigate to Assess and Select an assessment 
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2. Create a capability - Capabilities are the desirable skills for players to have for peak performance in their job, they will be used as categories to rate the players. 

3. Add an observation: Rating, Checkbox or comment.  
4. Decide what to do with the output value. All capabilities are displayed as a percentage 
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 5. Upload to space and navigate to your facilitator dashboard 
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 6. Navigate to Review > Assess. Here you will find your participants where you can rate them against the capabilities
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7. After action review 

Navigate to the capabilities tab, your observations are presented in a visual bar chart. Here you also have the option to export your observations into an Excel document.  
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