
After reading this article you'll:
  • understand what InfoMap activities are
  • know how to configure these activities


This feature allows you to configure InfoMap activities. 

InfoMap Activities Configuration 
You can seamlessly add or replace several activities at once via file upload. You can also download your current activities to a file and reset to the default activities at any time. 
  • Edit InfoMap activities

InfoMap Activities are keywords that the Infomap will track. When a social media or article appears with one of these keywords, it will be shown on the InfoMap channel. 

Editing Activities: Scenario Editor

In the scenario editor navigate to Style > Customize Channels > InfoMap

The exercise comes with a list of default activities, allowing authors to edit them or add to them. 

Image Placeholder

Editing Activities: Facilitators Dashboard

  1. On the Facilitator Dashboard, navigate to InfoMap and click on "Edit activities".

  • Click on the activity you want to edit
  • Type the keyword(s) you want to add and press enter
  • Then press "save and send to players"