This article is related to Conducttr Worlds. If you are looking for information related to any of the other Conducttr licences (Dove, Raven, Hawk or Osprey) and how to create scenarios please check this link.

After reading this article you'll:

  • Be able to create new Hubs 
  • Be able to add new Facilitators to the different Hubs


Create new hubs and manage Facilitator access to to exercises

Creating new hubs & adding new Facilitators.
Organisation and management of entities/business units 

Customisation of exercise access for users

  • Unique hub name
  • Manage the Facilitator of each hub 
  • Customize exercise access
  • Unique hub image

Creating new Hubs

  • To create a new Hub, first navigate to the "Hubs" tab 
  • Then click on "Create new hub"
  • Note: you may also refer to hubs as entities or business units

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  • Fill in the details of the new hub 
  • These details include: 
  • Hub name 
  • Company/Business Unit
  • Facilitator email 
  • Facilitator Name 
  • Customize exercise access
  • Click on "Add hub" once all details have been filled out
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Deactivating Hubs 

To deactivate hubs navigate to Hubs > click on the hub you want to deactivate > Switch the toggle switch to Deactivate hub > click Save > then you will be prompted to enter your password, after your hub will be deactivated. 

Deactivated hubs are hidden and only tagged as deactivated in Worlds hub panel. 

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