Showcase your expertise in crisis exercise design, facilitation and roleplaying.

Add some adventure to your CV.

Certificate Levels



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Entry-level certificate indicating that you're starting on your journey to greatness.

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Next-level certificate indicating that you're very capable in your specialist field of either design, role-play or facilitation.

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Top-level certification indicating that you've mastered Conducttr across all specialisms of design, role-play and facilitation.

Achieving Certification

Click the course area below which applies to you:

Achieving Practitioner Certificate

Gain the Conducttr Practitioner certificate by completing any 001 or 002 course plus the 003 course (in one area).

note: courses must be within same designated area. 

Practitioner Courses

D001 - Conducttr Designer Introduction

D002 - Conducttr Designer Intermediate

D003 - Conducttr Designer Applied

F001 - Conducttr Facilitator Introduction

F002 - Conducttr Facilitator Intermediate

F003 - Conducttr Facilitator Dynamic Exercise Engagement                                                                                                  

R001 - Conducttr Roleplayer Introduction

R002 - Conductttr Roleplayer Intermediate

R003 - Conducttr Roleplayer Audience Handling

Achieving Specialist Certificate

Gain the Conducttr Specialist certificate by completing both 004 and 005 courses (in one area)

note: courses must be within same designated area

Specialist Courses

D004 - Conducttr Designer Practical and Examination

D005 - Conducttr Designer Storytelling

D006 - Conducttr Human Terrain Modelling & FIEMA

F004 - Conducttr Facilitator Practical and Examination

F005 - Conducttr Facilitator Measurement of Effects

R004 - Conducttr Roleplayer Practical and Examination

R005 - Conductttr Roleplayer Measurement of Effects

Achieving Professional Certificate

Gain the Conducttr Specialist certificate by completing all 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005 courses IN ALL AREAS.